The following list was compiled by PFP board member and Free Library of Philadelphia employee Joel Nichols.
Let us know in the comments if there are other books you’d put on this list! In addition to Amazon, please check your local bookstore such as Bindlestiff Books in West Philly, Big Blue Marble Book Store in Mt. Airy or Philly AIDS Thrift at Giovanni’s Room in Center City. Story of Ferdinand: Leaf, Munro 1936 Little Blue and Little Yellow: Lionni, Leo 1962 Where the Wild Things Are: Sendak, Maurice 1963 A Color of His Own: Lionni, Leo 1975 The Paper Bag Princess: Munsch, Robert 1980 Tacky the Penguin: Lester, Helen 1990 Ella Sarah Gets Dressed: Chodos-Irvine, Margaret 2003 The Family Book: Todd Parr 2003 The Sissy Duckling: Fierstein, Harvey 2005 Rosie Revere Engineer: Beaty, Andrea 2005 10,000 Dresses: Ewert, Marcus 2008 (Some disagreement on our board over this book. What do you think?) My Princess Boy: Kilodavis, Cheryl 2009 Cinnamon Baby: Winstanley, Nicola 2011 Mr. Tiger Goes Wild: Brown, Peter 2013 Wild: Hughes, Emily 2013 Not every princess: Bone, Jeffrey and Lisa 2014 This Day in June: Pitman, Gayle E. 2014 Jacob’s New Dress: Hoffman, Ian and Sarah 2014 Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress: Baldacchino, Christine 2014 Happy in Our Skin: Manushkin, Fran 2015 Red: a Crayon’s Story: Hall, Michael 2015 Worm Loves Worm: Austrian, J.J. 2016
You know PFP’s Family Matters Conference is coming up on Saturday, October 29 at the University of the Sciences in West Philly, but you might not know about these seven exciting things about this year’s event. (Seven since it’s our seventh annual…)
1. Staceyann Chin is our keynote speaker! Haven’t heard of her? She’s a lesbian activist and poet, Jamaican immigrant, single mom and author who’s been featured in the New York Times, on Oprah and is currently starring in her one-woman show in DC “Motherstruck!” Along with her daughter, she started a series of “Living Room Protests” on YouTube addressing social issues of the day. 2. A staffperson from COLAGE will be there to runprogramming for kids, tweens and teens from 7 to 18 years old. They run the popular programming at Family Week in Provincetown. (We also will have child care and activities for babies, toddlers and little kids 0-6.) 3. Workshops on everything from Queer Parenting 101 to Connecting with Your Kids toHow to be a Trans Ally to Social Justice and the Family. See the full list. 4. Info for prospective parents on your journey to parenthood, wherever you are in the process. Experts and professionals also will be on hand to talk about babymaking and adoption options. 5. The Treat Yourself space will be an option for adults again this year, with an added bonus of Yogibo bean bags for relaxing. 6. Mealtime this year will be in the USciences dining hall and is an all-you-can-eat brunch with options for vegan and gluten-free diets. This is included in the price of registration. 7. The event is very affordable, especially if you sign up by October 1 for our early registration fee. Adults who are PFP members are $20 each. Non-members are just $30. After Oct. 1, it’s $30/adult for PFP members and $40 for non-members. All kids 18 and under are free. Child care and brunch are included. Register now at this link and please help us spread the word by sharing this blog post. |
April 2024